Ph.D. Ryuji Yoshida
  • 2014:Ph.D. Department of Geophysics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  • 2010:M.S. Department of Geophysics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  • 2008:B.S. Department of Earth Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
  • Employment
  • 2016:Assistant Professor responsible for Computational Climate Science, KOBE Univeristy, Kobe, Japan (Cross Appointment)
  • 2014:Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN AICS, Japan
  • 2011:Research Associate, RIKEN AICS, Japan (worked on G8 Call program of "Exa-scale earth system simulation in icosahedral model")
  • Research Interest
  • tropical cyclone genesis: mechanisms and environment
  • tropical cloud clusters and intra-seasonal oscillations
  • development process of mesoscale convective systems
  • global non-hydrostatic model and its computational efficiency
  • visualization
  • Publications with review
    1. Nishizawa S., S. A. Adachi, Y. Kajikawa, T. Yamaura, K. Ando, R. Yoshida, H. Yashiro and H. Tomita, 2018 : Decomposition of the large-scale atmospheric state driving downscaling: a perspective on dynamical downscaling for regional climate study, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2018-5:2, doi:10.1186/s40645-017-0159-0.
    2. Adachi S. A., S. Nishizawa, R. Yoshida, T. Yamaura, K. Ando, H. Yashiro, Y. Kajikawa, and H. Tomita, 2017 : Contributions of changes in climatology and perturbation and the resulting nonlinearity to regional climate change. Nat Commun, 8(2224), doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02360-z.
    3. Fudeyasu H, and R. Yoshida, 2017 : Western North Pacific Tropica Cyclone Characteristics Stratified by Genesis Environment, Mon. Wea. Rev., doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-17-0110.1, in press.
    4. Honda, T., T. Miyoshi, G.-Y. Lien, S. Nishizawa, R. Yoshida, S. A. Adachi, K. Terasaki, K. Okamoto, H. Tomita and K. Bessho, 2017 : Assimilating All-Sky Himawari-8 Satellite Infrared Radiances: A Case of Typhoon Soudelor (2015). Mon. Wea. Rev., doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0357.1, in press.
    5. P. A. Ullrich, C. Jablonowski, J. Kent, P. H. Lauritzen, R. Nair, K. A. Reed, C. M. Zarzycki, R. Yoshida, and 27 others, 2017 : DCMIP2016: a review of non-hydrostatic dynamical core design and intercomparison of participating models, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 4477-4509, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-4477-2017.
    6. Yoshida, R., S. Nishizawa, H. Yashiro, S. A. Adachi, Y. Sato, T. Yamaura, and H. Tomita, 2017: CONeP: A cost-effective online nesting procedure for regional atmospheric models, Parallel Computing, 65, 21-31, doi:10.1016/j.parco.2017.04.004.
    7. Lien, G.-Y., T. Miyoshi, S. Nishizawa, R. Yoshida, H. Yashiro, S. A. Adachi, T. Yamaura, and H. Tomita, 2017: The near-real-time SCALE-LETKF system: A case of the September 2015 Kanto-Tohoku heavy rainfall., SOLA, 13, 1-6, doi:10.2151/sola.2017-001.
    8. Yoshida, R., Y. Miyamoto, H. Tomita, and Y. Kajikawa, 2017:The effect of water vapor on tropical cyclone genesis: A numerical experiment of a non-developing disturbance observed in PALAU2010, J. Met. Soc. Japan, 95, 35-47, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2017-001.
    9. Nasuno, T., H. Yamada, M. Nakano, H. Kubota, M. Sawada, and R. Yoshida, 2016:Global cloud-permitting simulations of Typhoon Fengshen (2008). Geoscience Letters, 3:32, doi: 10.1186/s40562-016-0064-1.
    10. Yashiro, H., Y. Kajikawa, Y. Miyamoto, T. Yamaura, R. Yoshida, and H. Tomita, 2016:Resolution dependence of the diurnal cycle of precipitation simulated by a global cloud-system resolving model. SOLA, 12, 272-276, doi:10.2151/sola.2016-053.
    11. Miyamoto, Y., T. Yamaura, R. Yoshida, H. Yashiro, H. Tomita, and Y. Kajikawa, 2016:Precursors of deep moist convection in a subkilometer global simulation, JGR: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1002/2016JD024965.
    12. Zhao H., C. Wang, R. Yoshida, 2016 : Modulation of the Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation on Tropical Cyclogenesis in the Western North Pacific, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-016-5267-z.
    13. Yashiro, H., M. Terai, R. Yoshida, S. Iga, K. Minami, and H. Tomita, 2016 : Performance Analysis and Optimization of Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) on the K computer and TSUBAME2.5, Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC '16), doi: 10.1145/2929908.2929911.
    14. Kajikawa Y., Y. Miyamoto, R. Yoshida, T. Yamaura, H. Yashiro, H. Tomita, 2016 : Resolution dependence of deep convections in a global simulation from over 10-kilometer to sub-kilometer grid spacing, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 3:16, doi: 10.1186/s40645-016-0094-5
    15. Zhao H., R. Yoshida, and G. B. Raga, 2015: Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclogenesis Associated with Large-Scale Patterns. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 54, 1413-1429. doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-14-0254.1.
    16. Sato Y., Y. Miyamoto, S. Nishizawa, H. Yashiro, Y. Kajikawa, R. Yoshida, T. Yamaura, and H. Tomita, Horizontal Distance of Each Cumulus and Cloud Broadening Distance Determine Cloud Cover, SOLA, 11, 75-79, doi:10.2151/sola.2015-019.
    17. Miyamoto Y., R. Yoshida, T. Yamaura, H. Yashiro, H. Tomita and Y. Kajikawa, 2014 : Does convection vary in different cloudy disturbances?, Atmospheric Science Letters, doi: 10.1002/asl2.558.
    18. 西澤誠也,佐藤陽祐,八代尚,宮本佳明,吉田龍二,富田浩文, 2013:高領域・高解像度実験のための気象LESモデルの開発, 日本流体力学会 ながれ, 32, 149-152
    19. Yoshida R., Y. Kajikawa, H. Ishikawa, 2014 : Impact of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation on Environment of Tropical Cyclone Genesis over the Western North Pacific, SOLA, 10, 15-18, doi:10.2151/sola.2014-004.
    20. Miyamoto, Y. and Y. Kajikawa, R. Yoshida, T. Yamaura, H. Yashiro and H. Tomita, 2013: Deep moist atmospheric convection in a sub-kilometer global simulation, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1002/grl.50944.
    21. Yoshida R. and H. Ishikawa, 2013: Environmental Factors Contributing to Tropical Cyclone Genesis over the Western North Pacific. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 451-467.
    Publications without review
    1. Yoshida R., H. Yashiro, M. Satoh, and H. Tomita, 2017 : Modification of a baroclinic test case to a height-based coordinate system without topography implementation, AICS Tech. Rep., 2017-001.
    2. 津口裕茂, 下瀬健一, 加藤亮平, 栃本英伍, 横田祥, 中野満寿男, 林修吾, 大泉伝, 伊藤純至, 大元和秀, 山浦剛,吉田龍二, 鵜沼昂, 2016: 「2014年広島豪雨に関する予測検討会」の報告. 天気, 日本気象学会, 62, 95-103.
    3. Hisashi Yashiro, A. Naruse, R. Yoshida, H. Tomita, 2014:A Global Atmosphere Simulation on a GPU Supercomputer using OpenACC: Dry Dynamical Core Tests, Tsubame ESJ. : e-science journal, 12, 8-11.
    4. 吉田龍二,石川裕彦:台風Francisco(T0118)の初期渦形成過程,京都大学防災研究所年報,54B,pp319-325.
    5. 吉田龍二,石川裕彦:大規模流れ場とメソ対流併合からみた北西太平洋における熱帯低気圧発生の気候学的研究,京都大学防災研究所年報,52B, 345-376.
    6. 吉田龍二,石川裕彦:台風発生の環境場とメソ対流系の併合の関係, 研究集会21K-09「台風災害の歴史と教訓」報告書, pp58-61.
    International Conferences and Workshops
    1. Yoshida R. and Y. Kajikawa: Maintenance Mechanism of Back-Building Rainband in A Numerical Simulation of A Heavy Rain in July 2010 in Western Japan, International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges 2017, Oct. 3, 2017, Uji, Japan, (Oral).
    2. Yoshida R., T. Yamaura, S. A. Adachi, S. Nishizawa, H. Yashiro, Y. Sato, and H. Tomita : CONeP: A Cost-Effective Online Nesting Procedure for Regional Climate Model, 7th JLESC Workshop, Jul. 17, 2017, Urbama, USA, (Oral).
    3. Yoshida R., T. Yamaura, S. A. Adachi, S. Nishizawa, H. Yashiro, Y. Sato, and H. Tomita : A computationally cost effective online nesting procedure for regional atmospheric/climate models, 4th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models, Hakone, Japan, Nov.30-Dec.2, 2016, P8, (Poster).
    4. Yoshida R., S. Nishizawa, H. Yashiro, S. A. Adachi, Y. Sato, T. Yamaura, and H. Tomita:CONeP: A Cost-effective Online Nesting Procedure for Regional Atmospheric Models. AICS Symposium 2016, P-39, 22-23, February, 2016, Kobe, (Poster).
    5. Yoshida R., T. Yamaura, S. A. Adachi, S. Nishizawa, H. Yashiro, Y. Sato, and H. Tomita:New Computationally Cost-Effective Implementation of Online Nesting for a Regional Model,A11F-0110,AGU Fall Meeting 2015,14 Dec. 2015,San Francisco,USA (Poster).
    6. Yoshida R., and H. Yashiro:Acceleration of Global Atmospheric Model by Heterogeneous Computing,NII Shonan Meeting (Putting Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing at the Fingertips of Domain Experts), 17-20 Nov. 2015, Zushi, Japan (Oral).
    7. Yoshida R., H. Yashiro, and H. Tomita:An Impact of Vertical Grid Arrangement in Baroclinic Wave Test. AICS Symposium 2014, 27P, 8-9, December, 2014, Kobe, (Poster).
    8. Yoshida R., An Impact of Vertical Grid Arrangement in Baroclinic Wave Test, Joint Workshop of 6th International Workshop on Global Cloud Resolving Modeling and 3rd International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models, Kobe, Japan, Sep 24-26, 2014, (Poster).
    9. Yoshida R., Y. Kajikawa, H. Ishikawa , Impact of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation on Environment of Tropical Cyclogenesis Over the Western North Pacific, AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 28-Aug 1, 2014, (Poster).
    10. Yoshida R. and Tomita H. : NICAM current and future, 2nd G8-call ECS workshop, 6-7 Mar. 2012, Aachen, Germany.
    11. Yoshida R., Tomita H., Satoh M., Ludwig T., Linardakis L., Thuburn J., Dubos T., and Gunther Z.: G8-call ICOMEX project, 2nd G8-call ECS workshop, 6-7 Mar. 2012, Aachen, Germany.
    12. Yoshida R., Tomita H., Satoh M., Ludwig T., Linardakis L., Thuburn J., Dubos T., and Gunther Z.: G8 call ICOMEX - Introduction and preliminary result, The 14th international specialist meeting on the next generation models on climate change and sustainability for advanced high performance computing facilities Hawaii, 12-15 Mar., 2012
    13. Yoshida R., Tomita H., Satoh M., Ludwig T., Linardakis L., Thuburn J., Dubos T., and Gunther Z. : An Inter-Comparison of Icosahedral Climate Models on the G8 Call: ICOMEX Project. Session: Novel Optimisation Techniques, PDEs on the sphere, 24-28, Sep. 2012, Cambridge.
    14. Yoshida R. : A development process of the tropical disturbance observed in PALAU2010 for understanding tropical cyclogenesis, 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 14-22 Apl. 2012, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
    15. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : A numerical simulation of tropical cyclone genesis associated with twolower tropospheric vortices, International Conference on MCSs and High-Inpact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-8), Nagoya, 2011, P-06, (Poster).
    16. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : A numerical simulation of early phase of tropical cyclogenesis associated with multiple tropospheric vortices, 14th AMS Meso. Conf., 3rd Aug. 2011, Los Angles.
    17. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : A numerical simulation of tropical cyclogenesis with MCS merger, The Third International Workshop on Prevention and Mitigation of Meteorological Disasters in Southeast Asia, Beppu, 2010, P-14, (Poster).
    18. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : A Numerical Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Formation with MCSs Merger, AOGS2010 7th Annual Meeting and Geosciences World Community Exhibition, India, 2010, AS11-A023, (invited).
    19. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : A frequency of occurrences of MCSs merging Tropical cyclogenesis and a case study by modeling, International Symposium on Radar and Modeling Studies of the Atmosphere, Kyoto, 2009, Po-24, (Poster).
    20. Yoshida R., Y. Oku, T. Takemi, H. Ishikawa : Satellite and Modeling Analysis of Elliptical Eye of Tropical Cyclone, Fourth Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on Meteorology, Tsukuba, 2009, S5-28.
    Domestic Conferences and Workshops
    1. 吉田龍二・筆保弘徳:TC 発生環境場に特徴的な流れ場パターンの長期平均的な特徴, 日本気象学会2017秋季大会, D408, 2017/11/2, Sapporo, (Oral).
    2. 吉田龍二・筆保弘徳:TC 発生環境場に特徴的な流れ場パターンの長期平均的な特徴, 平成29 年度京都大学防災研究所共同研究集会「台風研究会」−激甚化する台風災害の要因解明と減災へ向けて−, 2017/9/28-29, Uji, (Oral).
    3. 吉田龍二・梶川義幸:2010年7月大雨事例におけるバックビルディング型,線状降水帯の維持メカニズムに関する再現実験研究, 第4回メソ気象セミナー, 2017/7/7-9,Hakodate, (Poster).
    4. Yoshida R.:みらいの台風予報, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2016-Spring, 公開気象講演, 21, May. 2016, Tokyo, (invited).
    5. Yoshida R., H. Fudeyasu:台風発生環境場に特徴的な流れ場パターンについて, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2016-Spring, C202, 18-21, May. 2016, Tokyo.
    6. 吉田龍二・宮本佳明:台風発生過程の初期渦発達条件に関する数値実験, 平成27年度京都大学防災研究所共同研究集会「台風研究会」, 2015/11/01,宇治市.
    7. 吉田龍二・山浦剛・足立幸穂・佐藤陽祐・八代尚・西澤誠也・宮本佳明・富田浩文:SCALE-LESモデルを用いた高解像度領域数値実験, 第2回メソ気象セミナー, P03, 2015/06/06,鹿児島市 (Poster).
    8. 吉田龍二・山浦剛・足立幸穂・佐藤陽祐・八代尚・西澤誠也・富田浩文:SCALE-LESモデルにおけるドメイン・ネスティングの実装と評価, 日本気象学会2015年度春季大会, P336, 2015/05/23,つくば市 (Poster).
    9. Yoshida R., H. Yashiro, and H. Tomita:傾圧波実験における鉛直格子間隔の影響評価, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2014-Spring, P339,21-24, May 2014, Tokyo, (Poster).
    10. Yoshida R.:エクサスケールへ向けた多国間二十面体格子モデルプロジェクト, GFD電脳倶楽部ワークショップ -地球流体計算の今後-,11, March 2014, Kobe.
    11. Yoshida R.:二十面体格子モデルの力学コア比較実験, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2013-Autumn, P115,19-21, Nov. 2013, Sendai, (Poster).
    12. Yoshida R.:北西太平洋上の台風発生に対するMadden-Julian Oscillationの影響, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2013-Spring, B302,15-18, May 2013, Tokyo.
    13. Yoshida R.:20面体格子気候モデルのモデル間比較 G8 Call: ICOMEX Project, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2012-Autumn, P171, 3-5, Nov. 2012, Sapporo, (Poster).
    14. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Numerical simulation of organization process of Vortical Disturance in PALAU2010 project, JAMSTEC Blue Earth 2011, 2011, Tokyo, Japan, BE11-29.
    15. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Numerical simulation of organization process of Vortical Disturance in PALAU2010 project, JAMSTEC Blue Earth 2011, 2011, Tokyo, Japan, BE11-P21, (Poster).
    16. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : PALAU2010で観測された熱帯擾乱における渦の発生過程に関する数値実験, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2011-Autumn, 2011, Nagoya, B157.
    17. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Organization process of initial vortex of Typhoon 2001 18th, Typhoon Workshop, 2011, Kyoto Japan.
    18. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Numerical simulation of Organization process of initial vortex of Typhoon Francisco,The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2011-Spring, 2011, Tokyo, Japan, C306.
    19. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Organization process of initial vortex of Typhoon Francisco, The 1st regular meeting of Kanasai Japanese Meteorological Society, 2010, Okayama, Japan.
    20. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Correlation between tropical cyclogenesis and merger of mesoscale convective syetems, Typhoon Workshop, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
    21. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Numerical simulation of tropical cyclogenesis with confluence region cases (T0118・T0511), The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2009-Autumn, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan, P173.
    22. Yoshida R., H. Ishikawa : Correlation between tropical cyclogenesis and large-sacle environment, The conference of Japanese Meteorological Society 2009-Spring, 2009, Tsukuba, Japan, P338.
    23. Yoshida R., Y. Oku, T. Takemi, H. Ishikawa : The eye structure of Cyclone Nargis by Satellite images and Modeling Analysis, Whokshop for Meteorological Disaster Mitigation and Human Activities, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
    1. Young Scientists Encourage Prize, Numerical simulation of organization process of Vortical Disturance in PALAU2010 project, JAMSTEC Blue Earth 2011 (03, 2011).
    2. 2017 JMSJ Award: Yoshida, R., Y. Miyamoto, H. Tomita, and Y. Kajikawa, "The effect of water vapor on tropical cyclone genesis: A numerical experiment of a non-developing disturbance observed in PALAU2010".
    1. 講演:防災・減災に資する豪雨シミュレーション研究の紹介, 第228回神戸大学RCUSSオープンゼミナール, Dec. 9, 2017 at 神戸市役所.
    2. Joined to Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project Workshop 2016 (as a menter for NICAM), June 6-17, 2016 at NCAR, Boulder, CO.
    3. Joined to Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project Workshop 2012 (as a menter for NICAM), July 30-August 10, 2012 at NCAR, Boulder, CO.
    4. Joined to Observation Project JAMSTEC PALAU2010 (MR10-03 Leg2:May -- June, 2010, on R/V Mirai, JAMSTEC)
    5. Member of American Geophysical Union (from 2013)
    6. Member of Americal Meteorological Society (from 2010)
    7. Member of The Meteorological Society of Japan (from 2009)